Estacas de amoreira tratadas com hormônios vegetais em dois sistemas de plantio e referentes coberturas do estufim
Four experiments on root formation on cuttings of mulberry trees of the variety Catania 1 were carried out. In each case the hormones Dieradix "M D", Dieradix "D", indol 3-yl-acetic acid, and I-naphthyl acetic acid were used, besides the control, without hormone. In all cases "normal" and "upside-down" planting were tried. The percentage x of cuttings with roots, after 54 days, were computed and transformed by the formula y = arc sin √P/100 for use in statistical analysis. The combined analysis of variance of the 4 trials led to the following results: "Upside-down" planting showed significantly higher percentage of rooting; Indol 3-yl-acetic acid was significantly better than control or other hormones. The percentages of rooted cuttings were as follows: Normal planting Upside-dow planting Indol 3-yl acetic acid 43.5% 90.9% I-naphthyl acetic acid 1.9% 69.3% Control 4.7% 22.2% Dieradix «M D» 2.4% 63.8% Dieradix «D» 1.3% 36.0%Downloads
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Rúbia, A. C., Inforzato, R., & Gomes, F. P. (1963). Estacas de amoreira tratadas com hormônios vegetais em dois sistemas de plantio e referentes coberturas do estufim. Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 20, 115-128.