Multicystic encephalopathy: an ultimate manifestation of ischemic-hypoxic injury
Autopsy, Brain, Hypoxia, Infant, NewbornAbstract
Multicystic encephalopathy is a rare neurological finding characterized by the appearance of multiple cystic or cavitary lesions as the result of repetitive episodes of hypoxic-ischemic injury in neonates and infants. We present a rare case of multicystic encephalopathy in a 3-month-old male, born at 34 weeks with Tetralogy of Fallot and multiple comorbidities. Gross examination of the brain during the autopsy revealed multiple irregular cystic lesions and distortion of the brain parenchyma. This case report highlights the uniqueness of multicystic encephalopathy and offers an extensive review of the existing literature, including etiology, clinical presentation, and histopathologic findings.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vielka Fernandez Aragones, Amilcar Castellano-Sanchez, Gabriel Chamyan, Darline Santana-Acosta

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