Intratidal variability and transport of petroleum aromatic hydrocarbons in an anthropized tropical estuarine system: the Suape estuary (8.4S 35W)
DDPHs, Spectrofluorescence, Hydrodynamics, Salinity, Material transport, PortAbstract
The Suape Estuary encompasses the Suape Industrial Port Complex (SIPC), a major industrial development in Brazil's Northeast region, which, in order to be implanted, caused drastic environmental changes in this system. This study presents the first physical characterization of the Suape estuarine system, focusing on the local hydrodynamics, material transport and its influence on some specific properties. Physical properties were also associated to dissolved dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons (DDPHs). A study was undertaken during a complete semi-diurnal tidal cycle (13 hr), during which water level, water flow, current velocity and direction, water properties (salinity, temperature, suspended particulate matter - SPM -, chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen) were recorded using ADCP and CTD systems. The DDPHs were investigated in surface and bottom waters, by spectrofluorescence, using Carmópolis oil and chrysene as analytical standards. Results showed a well-mixed vertical structure, a semi-diurnal tide regime and a diurnal thermal pattern. There was no statistical difference between DDPH concentrations at surface and bottom, due to the tide acting as an important homogenizer. DDPHs were low and the main contribution seems to be that from SIPC, as the residual transport of DDPHs, chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen, was towards the Massangana estuary. An opposite pattern was observed for salinity and SPM, whose residual transport was towards the lagoon. The results pointed local hydrodynamics as an essential tool for understanding material transport and exchanges among the estuarine segments. A longer time series should be studied in order to obtain more robust conclusions.Downloads
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Intratidal variability and transport of petroleum aromatic hydrocarbons in an anthropized tropical estuarine system: the Suape estuary (8.4S 35W). (2018). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 66(1), 47-57.