Responsible self-medication: review of the process of pharmaceutical attendance


  • Dayani Galato University of South Santa Catarina
  • Luciana de Mattos Galafassi University of South Santa Catarina
  • Graziela Modolon Alano University of South Santa Catarina
  • Silvana Cristina Trauthman University of South Santa Catarina



Self-medication, Community pharmacy, Drugs^i1^srational, Pharmaceutical orientation, Responsible self-medication, Minor illness


This article presents a review, based on a qualitative study, of pharmaceutical orientation in the management of minor illness. Action research methodology was used by a group of faculty members responsible for the community pharmacy internship and by postgraduates in clinical pharmacy, to carry out the study with the objective to present a standard service for this kind of procedure. The interaction with the individual starts with a welcoming reception, at which point the pharmacist should be receptive and show empathy. Subsequently, data from the history of the patient are collected to obtain relevant information. Based on this information, the pharmacist must develop a line of clinical reasoning and make a decision, taking the context of the patient into account. After this analysis, the most appropriate intervention is performed. This intervention could indicate the need for referral to another health professional, the use of a non-pharmacological therapy or the provision of sound advice on medicines available without prescription. The next step is monitoring the patient in order to identify the effectiveness and safety of treatment. The standardization process of pharmaceutical attendance in the management of minor disorders contributes to the rational use of medicines.


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How to Cite

Responsible self-medication: review of the process of pharmaceutical attendance . (2009). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 45(4), 625-633.