Direct-acting antivirals for chronic Hepatitis C are effective and safe

an observational study in Londrina/PR


  • Hodnei Takashi Machado Specialized Pharmacy of Londrina, Paraná State Secretary of Health, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
  • Camilo Molino Guidoni Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, State University of Londrina, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil



Hepatitis C, Drug therapy, Effectiveness, Safety


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of direct-acting antivirals in a Unified Health System pharmacy of Londrina, Brazil. A descriptive observational study was performed from June 2017 to June 2018. Sociodemographic, clinical, and therapeutic variables of patients were collected from secondary data sources. Effectiveness was evaluated by sustained virologic response (SVR) and safety was evaluated by adverse events (AEs) and drug interactions (DIs). The mean population (N=30) was 56.6±11.3 years old and almost all patients had comorbidities (93.3%) and concomitant drugs (96.7%). Effectiveness evaluation was possible in 17 patients, and all of them (100.0%) achieved SVR. Eighteen patients (60.0%) reported 38 AEs, mostly mild, such as stomach symptoms and headache. No statistical relation was found between AE occurrence and treatment duration, Ribavirin use, number of comorbidities or number of concomitant drugs. A total of 48 DIs were reported, 18 being severe, and were managed by the pharmacist. The study indicates that the treatment was effective and safe.


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How to Cite

Direct-acting antivirals for chronic Hepatitis C are effective and safe : an observational study in Londrina/PR. (2022). Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 58.