“Substitutos da presença”: imigrantes italianos(as), retratos e fotografias


  • Syrléa Marques Pereira




Italian immigration, Family memory, Life stories, Family fotos


The article looks closely to the Italian “great migration”to Brazil, from photographs kept by immigrants throughout their lives. They are "fragments of reality" that reveal cultural marks of another time, experiences and trajectories of life. The historians are responsible for asking   these “documents/monuments”.   Thus,   theoretical   premises   are   presented   for understanding these sources as artifacts and memory supports; and Oral History as an approach to the analysis of narratives woven by the owners of the images. It was noticed that the photos constituted images-messages for immigrants to “attest”to distant relatives who had good living conditions,  whicho  were  not  always  real.  Today,  such  images  allow  the  construction  of  the identityof the Italian group in Brazilian lands.


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How to Cite

Pereira, S. M. . (2021). “Substitutos da presença”: imigrantes italianos(as), retratos e fotografias. Cadernos CERU, 32(2), 165-177. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-2536.v32i2p165-177