Entre nomes partidos e corpos pro(s)téticos, as regras de um jogo duplo


  • Gabriela Semensato Ferreira Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel)




double game, supplement, prosthesis, body, proper name, articulation


In Double Game(2007), Sophie Calle develops a collaborative project with Paul Auster by taking as a starting point an excerpt from Leviathan(1992),by the North-American writer. In this novel, the character Maria Turner is presented, inspired by the life and works of the French artist. After analyzing what she calls “the rules of the game” of Auster’s work, Calle inserts the excerpt about Maria in her own book. However, she cuts and grafts this text, using the color red. In this article, we consider the mentioned passage a supplementand evaluate how it transposes the limits of Auster’s narrative, as well how different languages and discourses are articulated in this gesture or game. For this purpose, some sectioning of the textual corpus, or of the body of texts, is necessary. Thus, the choice of David Wills’ Prosthesis(1995) and Jacques Derrida’s Grammatology(1973), in special, as theoretical-poetic references for this article, which also motivates the approximation of ideas such as “prosthesis” and “supplement”, so as to offer ways of regarding and reading these works of art in light of the duplications and duplicities they perform. Consequently, not only the notion of the double is taken into account, but also the fictional dimension of these artists’ “writing of the self”, and the tension that arises from the linking and division of the proper names in these works.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, G. S. (2019). Entre nomes partidos e corpos pro(s)téticos, as regras de um jogo duplo. Revista Criação & Crítica, 1(25), 148-165. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.v1i25p148-165