The flesh of thought

variations on painting and language in Jasper Johns, Robert Barry and Valère Novarina




Jasper Johns, Robert Barry, Valère Novarina, Literature and Painting, Voice


This paper begins with a commentary on one among other works by the painter Jasper Johns which explore the theme of voice, Voice (1964-1967). This commentary fosters a crossed reading of works by Johns, Robert Barry and Valère Novarina, which, from a threshold in the realm of painting, bring to the fore this artistic realm as a space of continuous production of thresholds and intertwinings between language, body, space and thinking.


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How to Cite

Goldfeder, A. (2020). The flesh of thought: variations on painting and language in Jasper Johns, Robert Barry and Valère Novarina. Revista Criação & Crítica, 1(25), 18-35.