Poesia como expressão de solidariedade nacional e consciência política

Da poesia de Tawfiq Zayyad, Ahmad Dahbur e Khairi Mansur


  • Beatriz Negreiros Gemignani Mestre em Estudos Árabes pela FFLCH, USP




Poetry, Translation, Palestine, Resistance, Exile


In this article, we translate poems from the Palestinian poets Tawfiq Zayyad (1929-1994), Ahmad Dahbour (1946-2017) and Khairi Mansour (1945-2018). The translation seeks to preserve the original meanings of the poems while remaining poetic, so that the result is also poems in Portuguese. The poems depict images of Palestinian resistance, both while staying in the occupied Palestinian territory or highlighting oppression in exile. At the same time as they make the reader feel the loneliness and the deprivation, they also emphasize the love and the encouraging faith of these people.


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How to Cite

Gemignani, B. N. (2020). Poesia como expressão de solidariedade nacional e consciência política: Da poesia de Tawfiq Zayyad, Ahmad Dahbur e Khairi Mansur. Revista Criação & Crítica, spe, 69-82. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.v0ispep69-82