Mainstream in Disenchantment: Tensions between Tim Maia’s Rational Phase and Cultural Industry


  • Mariana Sbaraini Kapp Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Tim Maia, Rational Phase, Cultural Industry, Popular Song


Tim Maia’s image and work are marked by contradictions. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the singer’s relationship with the dynamics of the Brazilian cultural industry, which was consolidating in the 1970s. When Tim was at the height of his career, he met Rational Culture and released two albums with this theme through his SEROMA label, which made him one of the first independent artists in Brazil. At the time, the records did not reach the public, but, years later, this phase was rediscovered and redefined by the industry, being considered one of the best moments in the singer’s career. To carry out this study, different narratives about this moment of his career were compared, relating them to concepts of cultural industry and music as a commodity. In conclusion, it was possible to understand that the “cult” image currently attributed to the artist and his work makes their contradictions cohesive. Consequently, the refusal to the cultural industry ends up being a value within that industry itself.


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How to Cite

Kapp, M. S. (2021). Mainstream in Disenchantment: Tensions between Tim Maia’s Rational Phase and Cultural Industry. Revista Criação & Crítica, 31(31), 154-173.