
  • Cristina Henrique da Costa Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem - Departamento de Teoria Literária




author, imagination, aesthetics, reader, Barthes, Compagnon


The first part of this paper proposes a confrontation between two positions apparently opposed to each other  and separated in time concerning the theoretical question of the death of the author: Roland Barthes himself and Antoine Compagnon. If Compagnon’s critique of Barthes is interpreted as a symptomatic refusal of reflection on such a question and as a decision to stick to the empirical evidence of the existence of the authors, the article formulates the hypothesis that the death of the author and the return of the author cannot be treated as facts precisely because they correspond to aesthetic judgments. In the second part - concerning the death of the author and his possible return -, the paper aims at showing some of the philosophical implications of these ideas from Hegel to Kant and from Kant to Bachelard.


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Author Biography

  • Cristina Henrique da Costa, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem - Departamento de Teoria Literária
    Departamento de Teoria Literaria/ IEL/ UNICAMP


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How to Cite

Costa, C. H. da. (2014). L’IMAGINATION DE L’AUTEUR. Revista Criação & Crítica, 13, 21-33. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.v0i13p21-33