Dinâmica e evolução da crise: discutindo alternativas
Crisis, Brazilian economy, Economic policy, Brazilian economic scenarioAbstract
This article discusses the main causes of the Brazilian crisis in 2015-2016: aspects such as the international crisis, the measures adopted by the Brazilian government to counter its effects, and how macroeconomic policies, especially monetary policies and the exchange rate, affected performance of macro sectors and their impacts on the trade balance, employment and income, among other factors. From this analysis, the paper aims to assess the impacts of the adopted macroeconomic policies and their contribution to the current situation and to future perspective.Downloads
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Ways out of the economic crisis
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How to Cite
Lacerda, A. C. de. (2017). Dinâmica e evolução da crise: discutindo alternativas. Estudos Avançados, 31(89), 37-49. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/132415