Valorando o conforto ambiental: atitudes e comportamento na disposição a pagar
contingent valuation, attitudes, cluster analysis, environmental comfortResumo
This project purpose is to analyze the efficiency of the contingent valuation method, applying its technique for economic estimation of environmental comfort (thermal, acoustical and luminous) ofUniversity of Campinas administrative buildings. The specificity of the study allowed for a better assessment of the method itself. Considering that the socio-economic variables and the people behavior could undermine the research results, it was important to identify people's attitudes that were capable of biasing their economic estimates. The results' analysis has shown that one cannotjust follow the standard recommendations for a Contingent Valuation research as to obtain a reliable estimation. It would be necessary to study the attitudes as to understand the preferences distribution of the population and to identify the biases sources of the estimates. In this research the identification of those attitudes has been crucially important to enhance the estimators precision, to the analysis of the estimation reliability and to the determining ofthe main beneficiaries groups of a projectto adequate the internal spaces of the University to the ideal conditions of environmental comfort.
Copyright (c) 2003 Economia Aplicada

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