Didactic of the middle: learning and example


  • Lisete Bampi Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Gabriel Dummer Camargo Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




Didactic, Teaching, Learning, Deleuze, Agamben


In its objective paths, teaching has obstacles that describe surfaces rather than depths. What to do? becomes the question that sets in at the very beginning, aiming at an end. However, in its how to do?, didactic also aims to develop senses and decipher signs of learning, thus becoming a middle. Learning does not stand firmly on curricular or didactic objectivations. However, it does not occur separately from these social, cultural and also linguistic foundations. In this profusion of motions — worldly, amorous and sensuous motions —, art becomes involved in the learning sought amongst so many others which escape the paths already traveled by didactics. This article brings conceptual experiences about possibilities of a way of teaching concerned with noticing darkness spots on the surface of education, where escaping from the seeming didactic objectivity becomes possible. From then on, learning can manifest itself in the liveliness of explication understood as the translation of signs, thus becoming a didactic example of creation. Have we reached the final revelation? With Deleuze and Agamben, we can see the new that emerges in the old, the different that manifests in the equal and, finally, the creation of didactic.


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How to Cite

Didactic of the middle: learning and example. (2017). Educação E Pesquisa, 43(2), 327-340. https://doi.org/10.1590/s1517-9702201608142140