Towards a decolonial didactics: epistemology and contradictions




Didactics, Decolonization, Teacher training, Public school


This research was carried out in 2019 and aimed to answer the question: what is the didatics for the public elementary school in such adverse times? The methodology used was the bilan de savoir, in its critical and participatory perspective, with 150 public school teachers, three hundred questionnaires, three interviews, two dialogue groups and a visit to two public schools guided by teachers. After double triangulation and collective interpretations, it was proven that the data provide evidence that didactics is associated with the teaching phenomenon, but that, however, the understanding and practice of this phenomenon crystallize as dissonant activities and disconnected from the needs and urgencies of the present moment. The work identifies six components of this dissonance as internal contradictions and recommends that training courses insist on the presence of didactics in a decolonial conception and on practices that seek to teach the teaching practice to future teachers. The contradictions found were: 1. The pedagogical contradiction: a teaching theory or a formation theory? 2. The ontological contradiction: does teaching require vertical or participatory relationships? 3. The practical contradiction: didactics that want to teach versus didactics that cannot teach. 4. The epistemic contradiction: the student does not want to learn; the teacher cannot teach; the teacher wants to teach, the student cannot learn. 5.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Amélia Santoro Franco, Universidade Católica de Santos

    Maria Amélia Santoro Franco é pedagoga, doutora em educação e tem pós-doutorado em pedagogia. É líder do grupo de pesquisa Pedagogia Crítica: práticas e formação, e professora pesquisadora da Universidade Católica de Santos, pesquisadora 2 do CNPq.



How to Cite

Towards a decolonial didactics: epistemology and contradictions. (2022). Educação E Pesquisa, 48(contínuo), e240473.