The formative didactic experiment from the perspective of developmental teaching theory


  • Raquel A. Marra da Madeira Freitas
  • José Carlos Libâneo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás



Developmental teaching, Formative didactic experiment, Didactic research


This text discusses the formative didactic experiment as a modality of didactic research from the perspective of developmental teaching, according to theoretical-methodological principles formulated by Vygotsky, Davydov and Hedegaard within the historical-cultural theory. The premise is that didactic knowledge needs to be incorporated into pedagogical practices to tackle social and school inequalities, which requires research that deepens the didactic analysis of the teaching-learning process. The present study resulted from a bibliographic research of the production of the mentioned authors, with the following objectives: to describe the results of the study, highlighting the contributions of each theorist in the characterization of the formative didactic experiment and its procedures; to argue for the relevance of the formative didactic experiment approach as a microcycle of investigation. In addition, we present one of the modalities of formative didactic experiment developed in the Research Group coordinated by the authors, which integrated the principles of Vygotsky, Davydov and Hedegaard. It is concluded that the formative didactic experiment as a microcycle of investigation gives rise to didactic knowledge capable of sustaining and strengthening the developmental didactics oriented towards educational purposes in order to overcome the social and school inequalities existing in the country.


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How to Cite

The formative didactic experiment from the perspective of developmental teaching theory. (2022). Educação E Pesquisa, 48(contínuo), e246996.