The performance of diversity: shamanism as a performative mode


  • Esther Jean Langdon Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



shamanism, performance, ethnic identity, Siona indians, indigenous rights


This paper explores the role of shamanism as a performance mode among the Siona Indians of Colombia as an expression of cultural distinctiveness in the face of Colonial and post-Colonial violence. Oral history recounts how the shamanic role transformed to that of the powerful cacique curaca as an adaptive response to missionary activities. After near extinction of practicing shamans in the 20th Century, their performances emerged in the last two decades as a key strategy in promoting ethnic distinctiveness in contemporary struggles for Indigenous rights. Both the Constitution of 1991 and urban neo-shamanic networks associate shamanism with ecological preservation, traditional medicine, ethnic identity and community well-being. In the Putumayo, a region characterized as a “war zone”, shamanic performances are a central strategy in the complex field of negotiations between Indigenous communities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, extractive industries and diverse armed groups.


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Author Biography

  • Esther Jean Langdon, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Esther Jean Langdon, Pesquisador 1B de CNPq recebeu deu doutorado em 1974 da TulaneUniversity EUA. Aposentou em 2014 da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina de sua posição de Professora Titular após de 30 anos, mas continua ativa em pesquisa e ensino. É coordenadora do INCT Brasil Plural (IBP).  Este artigo  resulta de pesquisas desenvolvidas no âmbito do Projeto"Xamanismo como Categoria Dialógica: Estudos sobre Xamanismos Contemporâneos"  Processo CNPq305117/2010-6.






How to Cite

Langdon, Esther Jean. 2016. “The Performance of Diversity: Shamanism As a Performative Mode”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 1 (1).