The pasamontaña (hood) as a mirror


  • Alexander Maximilian Hilsenbeck Filho Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero, São Paulo, Brazil.



Art, Culture, Zapatista, EZLN, CompArte


The propose of this photo essay is to fully contemplate the paradoxical characteristic of the Zapatist indigenous faces covered by the pasamontañas. What do they allow us to uncover and what those insurgent stares can show us? As in a mirror – in which we can see them and, at the same time, see ourselves – what do we see? What other perspectives of the world can we perceive through the eyes on those dignified faces wich, for more than two decades, are between the fire and the words to buid processes of political and social autonomy? 


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Author Biography

  • Alexander Maximilian Hilsenbeck Filho, Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero, São Paulo, Brazil.

    Professor of Political Science and Brazilian Culture at the Cásper Líbero Social Communication School (FCL); PhD in Political Science (Unicamp) about some dilemmas of the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST); Masters in Social Sciences (Unesp) about praxis of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN); Bachelor in Social Sciences (Unesp); Researcher of the: Nucleus of Ideologies and Social Struggles (NEILS); An- ti-capitalism and Emerging Sociabilities of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (ACySE-CLACSO); and of the Group of Communication, Politics and Society of the Spectacle of Cásper Líbero. This research was funded by the FCL’s Integrated Research Center.





Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Hilsenbeck Filho, Alexander Maximilian. 2018. “The pasamontaña (hood) As a Mirror”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 3 (1).