The “campeiro” concept in the gaucho regional music: a reconfiguration of the artistic/cultural order




Campeiro, Transformations, Aesthetics, Ideology, Culture


Since 1971, with the festival 1ª Califórnia da Canção Nativa, music has established itself as a field of disputes between innovative and traditionalist tendencies in the Movimento Tradicionalista Gaúcho (MTG), and in the last four decades it has assumed a central role, constituting a language that agency transformations in the discourses and in the cultural order of gauchismo. The concept “campeiro” here is presented as a reconfiguration of the idea of nativism, consecrated after the festival 1ª Califórnia da Canção Nativa, a kind of transformation in the ontological order that approximates and intensifies the musical language directed to the life forms present in the Southern Brazil campaign. The material of this paper comes through interviews and conversations with musicians, poets and composers, and artists who participate in regional music events in Rio Grande do Sul.


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Author Biography

  • Eduardo Hector Ferraro, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

    Doctor and master in social anthropology graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Graduated in Musical Education from the State University of Santa Catarina. He is currently a professor at the University of Vale do Itajaí in the area of saxophone, transverse flute, recorder, improvisation, and musical analysis. Teaches the disciplines Research Methodology in Music and Social Sciences in Popular Music with a specialization in Music Education. Saxophonist, flutist and composer, professional musician. Develops research on Latin American music, nativist music, Rio-Platense and Andean folklore. Develops research on sociability, subject and subjectivity in social groups in the Latin American context. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Ferraro, Eduardo Hector. 2020. “The ‘campeiro’ Concept in the Gaucho Regional Music: a Reconfiguration of the Artistic Cultural Order”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 5 (1).