Collection of Malcolm X speeches


  • Malcolm X Little



Speeches, Racism, Malcolm X


In times when the fight against racism is essential and urgent, Malcolm X's speeches mark an important period of struggle for freedom and equality in North America. After his conversion to Islam and pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), his understanding of human struggle deepened so as to include all people who suffer from hardship and exploitation. He came to be known among Muslims as Al-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz (1925-1965), a distinction given to every person who undertakes the Hajj pilgrimage. Better known as Malcolm X, he was a powerful speaker, and became, during the 1960s, one of the most prominent and inspiring leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States. He was also one of the movement’s most controversial figures. He founded the Organization for African American Unity, which was inspired by separatist ideals. As an African American, he raised awareness of the crimes committed against his people. Above all, he mobilized all people, whatever the color of their skin, in the struggle for freedom and human dignity. In 1998, Paul Gray, from Time Magazine, cited Malcolm X’s autobiography as one of the 10 most important non-fictional books of the 20th century.


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Author Biography

  • Malcolm X Little

    Malcolm X was a powerful speaker, and became, during the 1960s, one of the most prominent and inspiring leaders of the civil rights movement in the United States. He was also one of the movement’s most controversial figures. He founded the Organization for African American Unity, which was inspired by separatist ideals. As an African American, he raised awareness of the crimes committed against his people. Above all, he mobilized all people, whatever the color of their skin, in the struggle for freedom and human dignity. In 1998, Paul Gray, from Time Magazine, cited Malcolm X’s autobiography as one of the 10 most important non-fictional books of the 20th century.





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How to Cite

Little, Malcolm X. 2021. “Collection of Malcolm X Speeches”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 6 (1): e-185351.