Skulls of performance, the bones of a common affiliation: John Dawsey interview Richard Schechner


  • Carolina de Camargo Abreu PhD in Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.



Richard Schechner, Performance, Anthropology, Theater


Fragments of Richard Schechner's talks, lectures and seminars in Brazil during his visit in the mid of 2012. The author and researcher reflected about the contemporary conditons of intelectual and artistic production at a seminar in the Anthropology Department of FFLCH/ University of São Paulo. He talked about some of his concepts between the field of theater and the anthropology in a fecund dialog with the Núcleo de Antropologia, Performance e Drama - NAPEDRA, coordenated by Professor John Dawsey, and also he danced with the Núcleo de Artes Afro-Brasileiras.


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Author Biography

  • Carolina de Camargo Abreu, PhD in Social Anthropology, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.

    P.D. in Social Anthropology from the University of São Paulo - USP (2012). M.A. degree in Anthropology (2006) and B.A. degree in Social Sciences (2000), also from the University of São Paulo - USP. She is a member of the research centers of Anthropology, Performance and Drama - NAPE- DRA , the Visual Anthropology - GRAVI and the Anthropology of Music - PAM, at USP. She has been part of the collective Casadalapa since 2016. She makes films purposefully handmade and writes in the form of essays. Walter Benjamin’s writings have sparked special interest.





Gesture, image and sounds

How to Cite

Abreu, Carolina de Camargo. 2018. “Skulls of Performance, the Bones of a Common Affiliation: John Dawsey Interview Richard Schechner”. GIS - Gesture, Image and Sound - Anthropology Journal 3 (1).