O Atual Currículo do Curso de Geologia - USP e a Demanda de Profissionais Geólogos para a Atuação em Projetos de áreas Contaminadas


  • Reginaldo Bertolo Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Geociências; Departamento de Geologia Sedimentar e Ambiental




This article aims to present a contribution to the debate regarding curricular reform of the undergraduate course of Geology-USP, based on the recent employment of geologists in projects regarding investigation and remediation of contaminated sites. This area is experiencing considerable expansion, especially after the enforcement of the Federal Law 9605, regarding Environmental Crimes, in 1999. Even after all efforts in the conduction and completion of the existing cases of contamination, it is recognized that most of such environmental problems still remain unknown, which leads one to believe that there will be a tendency for growth in the demand for new professionals to work in this area at the long term. Considering that the geologist performs a vital and notable role in the characterization of geology, hydrogeology and contamination in an investigation and remediation project, it is believed that some courses should be adjusted to meet some of the professional activities mentioned in the CONFEA Resolution 1010, which regulates the professional activities of the geologist. Besides this, a re-evaluation of the duration, content and sequencing of some of the fundamental geological disciplines is believed to be necessary. This will result in benefits which affect not only the action of the geologist in projects on contaminated areas, but also in other areas of applied geology.





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