Mineralization typology and mineral chemistry of the Pb-(Zn) Ranchão deposit, internal zone of the Paraguay Belt, Mato Grosso, Brazil





Lead-(Zinc) mineralizations, Cuiabá Group, São Vicente Granite, Mineral chemistry, Hydrothermal alteration


Located about 50 km southeast of the city of Cuiabá, the Pb-(Zn) Ranchão deposit is hosted by Neoproterozoic meta-diamictites of the Cuiabá Group (Coxipó Formation, Mata-Mata Member), inner zone of the Paraguay Belt. The deeply deformed host rocks underwent greenschist regional metamorphism, as well as contact metamorphism as a result of the intrusion of São Vicente Granite. This work presents the geologic, petrographic, and mineral chemistry characterization of the Ranchão deposit lead-zinc ore, seeking to unravel the metallogenic processes that formed the sulfide concentrations. The mineralizations are mainly composed of galena, pyrite, and sphalerite, and occur as breccia, veins, and disseminations. The sulfides are associated with host rock hydrothermal alterations, one early, pre-mineralization (with quartz-sericita and calcite), and other late, postore phase (with calcite and chlorite). The most significant concentrations of ore minerals are structured through N60-70W and N80-85W faults, in which the ore, as breccia, is found. Chlorite geothermometry point to temperatures from 120 to 190°C for late hydrothermal fluids. The features indicate a meso to epithermal system associated with mineralization, which affected meta-diamictites previously metamorphosed by the São Vicente Granite. These results represent a perspective for exploration of similar mineralizations in Cuiabá region and other meta-sedimentary folded belts with similar features.


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Souza, H. R. S. e, Garcia, P. M. de P. ., Barboza, E. da S., & Pinho, F. E. C. (2021). Mineralization typology and mineral chemistry of the Pb-(Zn) Ranchão deposit, internal zone of the Paraguay Belt, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 21(3), 125-145. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9095.v21-160094