Geotourism in Ribeirão Preto (SP)




Urban geotourism, Geodiversity, Geotour, Basalt, São Paulo


Ribeirão Preto, located in the northeast of the state of São Paulo, is a populous city with a high municipal urban development index. Geomorphologically, it is part of the Cuestas Basálticas province, a transition area between the Peripheral Depression and the Western Plateau. Geologically, it is situated on the basalts of the Serra Geral Formation, in the Paraná Basin. Natural outcrops of basalt and buildings with different lithotypes give the city great potential for urban geotourism. Based on bibliographical research and field work, points of geological interest were selected in the central region, the Campos Elíseos neighborhood, São Bento Hill and municipal parks Prefeito Luiz Roberto Jábali and Dr. Luis Carlos Raya. These parks were established in deactivated basalt quarries. The work resulted in the development of a geotouristic guide for Ribeirão Preto, with a description of features that occur in basalt and in other stones (local, national and imported) that make up monuments, churches, a cemetery and other buildings. It is hoped, therefore, to promote this new form of tourism, called Urban Geotourism, with the dissemination of geoscientific concepts and to help the population to better understand and appreciate the geodiversity of Ribeirão Preto.


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How to Cite

Del Lama, E. A. ., Dehira, L. K. ., Martins, L. ., & Mazzucato, E. . (2023). Geotourism in Ribeirão Preto (SP). Geologia USP. Série Científica, 23(2), 5-16.