Zoppe: black identity and masculinity in Adua, by Igiaba Scego





Zoppe, Igiaba Scego, Black masculinities, Identity


The present paper intends to investigate the construction of black identity and masculinity of the character Zoppe, father of the character Adua from the homonymous novel. Zoppe serves as translator and interpreter for Count Anselmi in the context of the 1930s, shortly before the Italian invasion of
Ethiopia. This study will adopt as a theoretical framework the intellectuals who thought about identity (WOODWARD, 2014), especially black racial identity and masculinity (KILOMBA, 2019; FANON, 2020; FAUSTINO, 2014; hooks, 2019). We observe through the analysis of what Zoppe says about himself and how they talk about him, how colonialism and racism operate to dehumanize racialized subjects. The fact that Zoppe was unable to grieve the loss of his beloved Asha corroborates the results of this study, which indicate that colonialism produces brutish subjectivities, not allowing the colonized to delve into their own hells (FANON, 2020).


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Author Biography

  • Leonardo Vianna, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Leonardo Vianna has a degree in Letters: Portuguese and Italian from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a master's degree in Italian Literature (UFRJ) and is currently a doctoral student in Italian Literature at the same university. In his doctorate, he develops research on Italian identity and the deconstruction of racial and gender stereotypes based on the novels of the writer Igiaba Scego.


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hooks, bell. Olhares negros: raça e representação. Trad. Stephanie Borges. São Paulo: Elefante, 2019.

KILOMBA, Grada. Memórias da plantação: episódios de racismo cotidiano. Trad. Jess Oliveira. Rio de Janeiro: Cobogó, 2019.

MBEMBE, Achille. Crítica da razão negra. Trad. Sebastião Nascimento. São Paulo: N-1 edições, 2018.

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WOODWARD, Kathryn. “Identidade e diferença: uma introdução teórica e conceitual”. In: SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu da (org. e trad.). Identidade e diferença: a perspectiva dos estudos culturais. Rio de Janeiro: Vozes, 2014.






How to Cite

Silva, L. V. da. (2023). Zoppe: black identity and masculinity in Adua, by Igiaba Scego. Revista De Italianística, 47, 48-63. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-8281.i47p48-63