infants, infant development, baby walker.Resumo
Introduction: infant’s healthy development acquisition is related to sensorial and motor experiences acquired in their first living year. As a walking stimulating aid, parents believethat baby walker may anticipate walking. Objective: check the frequency of the use of child walker for infants and the influence of this procedure on the sensory motor development, and correlate the daily time spent with the acquisition of independent walking at 13 months. Methods: Initially, parents answered a questionnaire regarding the use or no use of the baby walker. Infants who used it developed walking skills earlier than those who did not use it (p = 0.044). Results: Daily time of use influenced in the walk acquisition time (p = 0.005); and there was no association between the groups who used or did not use the baby walker compared to their current motor development assessed by Alberta Infant Motor Scale (p = 0.566). Conclusion: We concluded that the vesting period of the march is on the daily use of the walker, which is an important factor for this acquisition.
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