Effects of two types of low impact physical training on screen time among overweight adolescents
Adolescents, obesity, screen time, hydrogimnastic, jumpResumo
Introduction: The time that adolescents spend in front of some screen as TV, computer, video games and mobile phones, has been considered a risk factor for obesity and non-communicable chronic diseases.
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of two types of low impact training on the screen time and the BMI of overweight adolescents.
Methods: Sixty-seven adolescents were allocated into three groups: control group (CG); hydrogimnastic (HG); and jump (JG). The three groups had a weekly session of nutritional guidance; Additionally, the HG and JG trained 12 weeks with three weekly sessions ranging between 24 and 32 minutes as stage periodization training with hydrogimnastic and jump, respectively. Anthropometric measurements were performed, and screen time through a questionnaire created for this study in order to identify the amount of hours that adolescents passed in front of a screen. The questionnaire was carried out before and after the training period, as well as anthropometric assessments.
Results: There was no difference pre and post-intervention in screen time for the three groups, however, there was a decrease in BMI in both exercise groups of the pre-training period for post-training.
Conclusion: There was no reduction of the screen time, however the BMI decreased in the exercise groups.
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