Zika virus and measures of legal interventions in public health
zika virus, legal interventions, public heath.Resumo
The zika virus is an emerging and important world health problem. In public health its harmful effects have stimulated various legal interests. The Federal Government of Brazil recently adopted several social and health surveillance measures, extending the instruments of possibilities to combating the virus transmitter in Brazil. Law No. 13.306/2016 brought incisive determinations about action awareness policies and educational campaigns, and at the same time authorizes the highest authorities of the Unified Health System (SUS) within federal, state, county and municipal governments to establish and implement the necessary measures to control the diseases caused by the virus, i.e. dengue, chikungunya and zika. The published legislation has created a motivating environment for researchers to develop projects aimed at the mosquito that transmits the dengue virus, the chikungunya virus and the zika virus. Therefore, studies on A. aegypti have led to greater scientifi c knowledge about its habitat, reproduction and development and a description of means to combat it, as a precondition for the ful filment of the social purposes of Law No. 13.301, of June 27, 2016, mainly if researches about more efficient management models and management of public finances, contributing to unveiling impacts on public health and growth and human development.
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