Satisfaction level of phisicians working in a social health organization of Unified Health System In Brazil
Satisfaction, Work environment, Social Organization of Health, DoctorResumo
Introduction: The evaluation of a work system is based on the ability to adapt work to the man and the man to the work. One of the aspects that interfere in the capacity of adaptation is the satisfaction in the work as the integration, the autonomy, the motivation, the involvement and the utilization of the physical and mental capacities.
Objective: To analyze the level of satisfaction of medical professionals regar ding their work environment in a Social Health Organization of Brazilian Unified Health System.
Methods: It is a cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive study. For data collection, we used a questionnaire mailed through the Google Docs platform, containing 36 questions about indicators: material, personnel, quality and social.
Results: A total of 51 physicians participated in the study. The findings showed significant associations between their satisfaction of work environment and relationship with their work team, unit manager and performance recognition.
Conclusion: The satisfaction in the work environment of the medical professional in the Social Health Organization is associated with internal factors, as well as the need for their performance recognition by the management policy. The external factors studied, such as multiple job sites.
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