
  • Vera Silvia Raad Bussab
  • Maria Paula Costacurta Maluf



day-care centre, developmental context, interaction, children adjustment.


Western parenting style increasingly includes day-care institutions. like kindergartens and daycare cent es. Based on developmental ethological studies, nowadays the social and
aftective daily contexts are believed to be essential for the determination of human development, which explains the importance of investigating children behavior in these daily situations. The present paper examined interactional patterns displayed by four-year-old children in a public day-care centre, and investigatcd co~^Te^lations among the children’s behaviors in order to evaluate social and affective styles of adjustrnent to the day-care institution. We observed 22
subjects in recreation time, videotaping sixten-minute sessions for each child as focal subject during two months. Results revealed significant negative correlations between: “positive
interactions “ and “observing others “, weakening a supposition of lack of interest to explain the low level of positive interaction; and between “positive interactions “ and ~ ~apathy “, suggesting difficulties in the adjustment to the situation. On the other hand, children with a low level of “positive interac tion~’~ also sigruficantly displayed a low level of “aggressive patterns “. even when disturbed they reacted less than the other ones, indicating an interactional limitation instead
of absence of social contact. In the present study, the results were not affected by the amount of previous experience in the day-care centre, maybe because there were no children with less than two years of experience, nor by sex, possibly due to the complexity of the interaction of this variable with the others.

Author Biographies

  • Vera Silvia Raad Bussab
    Professora-Doutora do instituto de Psicologia da USP. End.: R. Poconé 181 - São Paulo - SP - CEP 01254-040. Bolsa de produtividade de pesquisa do CNPq.
  • Maria Paula Costacurta Maluf
    Aluna de Graduação do instituto de Psicologia daUSP. End.: R. Pde. João Manuel 422 - São Paulo - SP - CEP 01411-000. Instituto de Psicologia/USP. Bolsista de iniciação Científica/PIBIC do CNPq.


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