Direito à Educação e Direito à Saúde no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente: Da Letra Morta à Letra Viva
Aborda-se aqui alguns aspectos referentes à concepção de Educação e de Vida e Saúde presentes no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. No que se refere à Educação, são discutidas as formas e o conteúdo do processo da instrução que o Estatuto deseja expandir para o conjunto da população de crianças e adolescentes do país. E discutida a questão de saber se a forma escolar é a única possível no final do século XX e numpaís com as características do Brasil. A respeito de Vida e Saúde discute-se algumas idéias sobre o sentido da “Vida” e a sua relação com o sentido da “Saúde”; são levantadas as conseqüências do propósito, que se acredita estar implícito no capítulo I do título II do Estatuto, qual seja o de resgatar, ao mesmo tempo, o direito à sobrevivência de todas as crianc,as e todos os adolescentes brasileiros (direito à vida) e o seu
direito a uma vida digna (direito à saúde).
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Artigo de Opinião
Publishers who are Committee on Publication Ethics members and who support COPE membership for journal editors should:
- Follow this code, and encourage the editors they work with to follow the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Edi- tors (http://publicationethics.org/files/u2/New_Code.pdf)
- Ensure the editors and journals they work with are aware of what their membership of COPE provides and en- tails
- Provide reasonable practical support to editors so that they can follow the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors (http://publicationethics.org/files/u2/New_Code.pdf_)
Publishers should:
- Define the relationship between publisher, editor and other parties in a contract
- Respect privacy (for example, for research participants, for authors, for peer reviewers)
- Protect intellectual property and copyright
- Foster editorial independence
Publishers should work with journal editors to:
- Set journal policies appropriately and aim to meet those policies, particularly with respect to:
– Editorial independence
– Research ethics, including confidentiality, consent, and the special requirements for human and animal research
– Authorship
– Transparency and integrity (for example, conflicts of interest, research funding, reporting standards
– Peer review and the role of the editorial team beyond that of the journal editor
– Appeals and complaints
- Communicate journal policies (for example, to authors, readers, peer reviewers)
- Review journal policies periodically, particularly with respect to new recommendations from the COPE
- Code of Conduct for Editors and the COPE Best Practice Guidelines
- Maintain the integrity of the academic record
- Assist the parties (for example, institutions, grant funders, governing bodies) responsible for the investigation of suspected research and publication misconduct and, where possible, facilitate in the resolution of these cases
- Publish corrections, clarifications, and retractions
- Publish content on a timely basis