Perinatal mortality in hospitals of the state of São Paulo: methodological aspects and some characteristics of mothers and conceptuses
pregnancy, maternal and child health, health statistics, perinatal mortalityResumo
Objective: to verify perinatal mortality and its associated components in an investigation about the history of gestations/deliveries. Method: the study was carried out at six maternity hospitals in the State of São Paulo that were interested in participating in the research. The population was composed of 7,058 women, of whom 6,530 gave birth, the number of conceptuses was 6,602: 56 stillbirths and 6,546 live births, of which 28 died in the first week of life. Variables related to the mother, the pregnancy, the delivery and the conceptus were studied. Results: the perinatal mortality coefficient was 12.7 per 1,000 births, 66.7% of the conceptuses were stillbirths and 33.3% were live births who died aged less than 7 days at the same hospital where they were born. Approximately 27% of the conceptuses were children of adolescent mothers and 44% of the mothers were primigravidae. Prenatal assistance was attended by 92% of the women, type of pregnancy showed 67.8% of preterm gestations with similar proportions for each one of the components. The coefficient for twin gestations was more than four times higher than the coefficient for mothers of singleton gestations. Regarding type of delivery, Cesarean sections corresponded to 31.1% of the total, and it is important to notice that there was a non-negligible amount of surgical deliveries in mothers whose product was a stillbirth. The coefficient according to sex was higher for males (1.8: 1), and as for birth weight, the highest proportion occurred among those who weighed less than 2,500g (67.9%). Conclusions: there was a relationship of the proportion of neonatal deaths in the first hours of life and the proportion of fetal deaths to the quality of the care offered in the women’s pregnancy-puerperal cycle.
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