Perceptions, feelings and physical and emotional experiences of woman after breast cancer
mastectomy, perception, physical therapy, breast cancer, professional supportResumo
Introduction: Breast cancer has the highest incidence worldwide. Recently, breast cancer was considered a major public health problem due to the high morbidity and mortality. The objective was to characterize the coping strategies of the disease developed by these women after breast cancer. Methods: We used a qualitative approach, a study of descriptive, which are collected through structured interview technique and processed by content analysis. Participants were twenty women with mastectomies, married, with more than twelve months after surgery and without breast reconstruction. Results: Two themes were constructed from the analysis of their statements: 1) Physical changes after breast cancer, which was understood as a change in lifestyle and acceptance of the modified body and 2) emotional changes after breast cancer and coping initiatives, built based on the emotional findings after illness. Conclusion: Breast cancer is a disease which characterizes risks to life and brings with it a series of experiments to women. The changes and difficulties caused by the disease imply adaptations and adjustments, both physical (due to sequels) and emotional (guilt, anger and negativity), enabling the experience of different feelings, even after twelve months of surgery.
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