
  • Jessika Mehret Fiusa Faculdade Guairacá. Guarapuava, PR. Brasil.
  • Andersom Ricardo Fréz Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste. Departamento de Fisioterapia. Guarapuava, PR. Brasil.
  • Wagner Menna Pereira Faculdade Guairacá. Guarapuava, PR. Brasil./Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste. Departamento de Fisioterapia. Guarapuava, PR. Brasil.



postural balance. exercise therapy. evaluation of results therapeutic interventions.


Objective: identify stabilometric changes before and after a program of proprioceptive training. Methods: a randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted with 18 subjects, mean age 20.6 ± 2.1 years of age, of both sexes, with a mean body mass index 23.3 ± 5.4 kg/m² that were evaluated in stabilometric platform before and after a program of proprioceptive training using the equipment and proprioceptive hard rocker, and divided into proprioception (n = 10) and control group (n = 8) group. The proprioceptive training consisted of 10 measures with one foot, knee in semiflexion for 30 seconds twice a week for five weeks using the rocker apparatus and proprioceptive disc. Results: D’Agostinotests were performed to test the normality, to which it was noted that the study sample was obtained normal behavior for both groups: proprioception and control, was used the Student t-test for observation the significance of p value (<0.05). At the end of the intervention subjects were reassessed at stabilometric platform on which it was observed that the proprioception group there was a significant reduction in body sway in relation to the control group (p = 0.002). Conclusion: the short time, with oneleg proprioceptive training has been shown to be effective for improving balance by reducing body sway.


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