Virtual Sarau: Spinozian and Deleuzian Concepts in Cyberspace as Creative and Affective Power in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Affections, Deterritorialization, Conatus, Cyberspace, SarauAbstract
This article raises reflections on the experience of creating and exhibiting artistic works through the extension project “Virtual Sarau Send News”, a multiple-arts interactive event carried out in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic. The relationships that were established during this event are exposed and analyzed under the light of the Spinozian concepts conatus, percepts and affects and the Deleuzian concepts of rhizome and territories. It also shows the processes of artistic creation in the concrete world to be transposed to the virtual world, cyberspace, as a creative and exhibitive power to affect and be affected. To address this issue, we dialogued with the following authors: Deleuze and Guattari (2009), Domingues (2004), Lévy (2009), McLuhan (1964); Spinoza (2009), among others. The text seeks to show the new interfaces for the creation and exhibition of artistic works in the pandemic moment, as a way for human beings to deterritorialize themselves, create and give new meaning to their existence through powerful acts in constant flow.
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