Between poetry and prose: Drummond and the Revolution of 30


  • Gabriel Provinzano Universidade de São Paulo



Brazilian Modernism, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Alguma poesia, Brejo das Almas


The article tries to develop the hypothesis that the poem of Carlos Drummond de Andrade “Outubro 1930” occupies a strategic position within his work, because the characteristic individualism of his first book begins to prove insufficient. Through analysis, it is suggested that in the mixture of records that characterizes the poem is simultaneously encrypted a crisis of the poet with his lyricism and a timid attempt to open new poetic ways. To reinforce the hypothesis, an extract of a letter from Drummond to Mário de Andrade and an excerpt from a chronicle of Mário are rescued to show how the poet was at that time becoming aware of the precariousness of his position and the need for change. Indirectly, the purpose of the article is to situate this process within the intense ideological movement that agitated our intellectuality in the passage of the decade of 20 to the one of 30, discussing its specificity.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriel Provinzano, Universidade de São Paulo

    Mestre em Literatura brasileira com a dissertação "Os anos de aprendizado modernista deCarlos Drummond de Andrade". O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -Brasil (CAPES) -Código de Financiamento 001.


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ANDRADE, Mário de. “A poesia em 1930”. In: Aspectos da Literatura Brasileira. São Paulo: Martins, 1974. pp. 28-53.

ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. “Puro, sem mistura”. In: Táxi e crônicas no Diário Nacional. Estabelecimento de texto, introdução e notas Telê Porto Ancona, São Paulo: Livraria Duas Cidades, 1976, pp. 211-213.

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COELHO, Lélia (Org.). Carlos & Mário: correspondência entre Carlos Drummond de Andrade - inédita - e Mário de Andrade: 1924-1945. Rio de Janeiro: Bem-Te-Vi, 2002.

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SIMON, Iumna Maria. "O mundo em chamas e o país inconcluso". Novos Estudos. São Paulo: CEBRAP, n. 103, nov. 2015. pp. 169-191.



How to Cite

Provinzano, G. (2018). Between poetry and prose: Drummond and the Revolution of 30. Opiniães, 13, 191-209.