Cecília Meireles’ Island





Nissology, Utopia, Transatlantic, Insularity


The connection Cecília Meireles felt towards her Azorean ancestors manifests itself in her works. The feeling of connection with the Azorean people was instilled in Cecília by the grandmother who raised her and encouraged by her lasting correspondence with the poet Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues. Cecília’s orphanhood fostered this impulse towards the land of her ancestors. The poet had the opportunity to visit the Azores in 1951, but the real islands didn’t perfectly align with the islands of her imagination. Cecília, then, created a perfect fictional island, a place where she could exile herself: the Island of Nanja, described in poetry and prose. The Island of Nanja is picturesque and nostalgic. This article analyzes the metaphor of the utopic island in the work of Cecília Meireles with the aid of Island Theory, which prioritizes the experience of island writers. Meireles, born in Rio de Janeiro, is an outsider writing about islands. The insularity in her work is imaginary, not arising from lived experience. This article raises the question of whether a continental writer can be part of the island canon and explores the transatlantic attraction the Azores exerted over the poet.


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Author Biography

  • Mariana Oliveira, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Mariana Oliveira é doutoranda no Department of Spanish and Portuguese da University of Wisconsin-Madison.


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