Preliminary evidence on the validity of the Brazilian Short Work Attachment Measure - SWAM version
Attachment behavior, Scales, Work relations in management, Test construction, PsychometryAbstract
There is growing interest on the relationship between attachment and work- or career-related decisions. However, to this date, there are no scientific reports assessing adult attachment in work environment in Brazilian samples. This study aimed to adapt and collect psychometric evidence from the Short Work Attachment Measure for Brazilian Portuguese. A total of 450 adults (62.2% women; mean age = 23.8 years old) from a Southeastern state of Brazil participated in this research. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial procedures replicated the original version of the two-dimensional structure of the measure. The McDonald’s Omega accuracy indicators were higher than 0.78 for the instrument. Evidence of convergent validity was observed with a measure of attachment to romantic relationships and life satisfaction. We concluded that the Brazilian version of SWAM presents adequate psychometric properties.

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