Men’s perceptions of domestic violence against women: a qualitative study




violence against women, masculinity, marital conflict


Domestic violence against women is a serious social problem that requires male’s perspective understanding to be prevented. This study aimed to understand the perceptions of adult men, with higher education degree or higher education students, on this type of violence. Using Bandura’s social learning theory, a qualitative study was developed with 13 men. The data were collected using remote semi-structured interviews. The analytical process used thematic analysis presuppositions. It was found that men do not agree with sexist ideals that can increase the rates of violence against women. However, participants oscillate between understanding women as victim and as guilty. The data may be a reflection of the current greater debate on issues related to gender equality. We conclude that it is important to invest in the multidimensional training of men to break with hegemonic masculinity, which can foster the struggle against gender-based violence.


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Social Psychology

How to Cite

Magrin, J. C., & Oliveira, W. A. de. (2023). Men’s perceptions of domestic violence against women: a qualitative study. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 33, e3302.