Predictors of Subjective Well-Being of Expatriates on Mission in Brazil
affection, alien labor, cross cultural psychology, mental healthAbstract
Expatriation for work presents several challenges before departure, during expatriation, and on the return to the country of origin that can impact the subjective well-being of these professionals. This study evaluated sociodemographic, labor, cultural distance, and intercultural efficacy variables as possible predictors for Subjective Well-being (SWB) in 238 expatriates on mission in Brazil. The instruments used were a sociodemographic and labor questionnaire, The Satisfaction with Life Scale, The Scores of Cultural Distance, and the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire. The results, analyzed via Stepwise multiple linear regression, revealed a predictor model of SWB consisting of the variables: having children, cultural empathy, social initiative, and emotional stability. The results indicate the need for interventions focusing on subjective well-being aimed at adapting expatriates in Brazil.
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