Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Method: From Research in Philosophy to Psychology Research
Qualitative research, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Philosophy, PsychologyAbstract
In this study, we built a theoretical text aimed to clarify the relationship between philosophy and psychology, and along this path, proposed a method called phenomenological-hermeneutic. Firstly, we show how authors as Giorgi and Sousa and Castro and Gomes define this relationship. Then, we demonstrate Feijoo’s proposal, who uses Heidegger’s phenomenological-hermeneutic to undertake research in Psychology. We highlight the three moments used by the philosopher Heidegger in his investigations: reconstruction, phenomenological destruction, and construction. Then we show how these three moments together with the propositions of phenomenology: reduction and suspension; monitoring of the sand-time dynamics of the phenomenon; and description and explanation of the experience; it can lead us towards achieving the overall structure of experience. We intend to make arguments that point out that the appropriation of the phenomenological-hermeneutic method brings contributions to the investigations in Psychology.
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