Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Emotional Intelligence Self-Perception Questionnaire
emotional intelligence, test validity, psychometricsAbstract
The assessment of emotional intelligence is limited by the lack of psychometrically valid instruments. The present study aimed at cross-culturally adapting and validating the Emotional Intelligence Self-perception Questionnaire (EIQ-SP) in samples of Brazilian and Portuguese university students. Within this scope, in a sample of 1,074 students, reliability, construct-related validity, and criterion-related validity were analyzed. Additionally, metric invariance between the two samples and between genders was assessed. EIQ-SP showed appropriate psychometric qualities in its validation for use in Brazil, maintaining Mayer and Salovey’s four-branch model. With a short application time, simple and objective language, its small number of questions makes it an attractive and valuable instrument to investigate Emotional Intelligence.
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