Contributions of Fictional Narrative Research to Psychological Research with Stigmatized Populations
narrativas, construcionismo social, pesquisa qualitativa, bissexualidadeAbstract
This article aims to present a model of narrative research in conjunction with fiction-based research. For this, we will explain its steps and reflect on its effects for research in psychology, specifically with stigmatized populations, given the interest in broadening perspectives on the same topic. Based on the appreciation of the uniqueness of the experience, narrative research makes it possible to question absolute truths and build alternative meanings to the hegemonic ones. Fiction-based research, on the other hand, can promote affective connection through stories, in addition to ensuring greater confidentiality of information. We describe the following methodological steps for the systematization of this type of research: Choice of fiction-based research, Production of “field texts”, Moving on to “research texts” and Defining the literary style. Such steps are intended to inspire research that considers ethical and aesthetic aspects, as well as the intersection of theory and art.
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