Feminist Cartography: Clues to a Feminist Research Policy in Social Psychology
cartography, institutional analysis, feminism, social psychologyAbstract
Cartography is an ethical, aesthetic, and political way of doing research and producing knowledge that is insistently inhabited by the unknown with feminism being a powerful tool to analyze power relations. This study aims to map cartography itself to think about how feminist epistemologies and methodologies allow cartography to question itself about the ways in which it functions, its tools, and implications. This is a theoretical text based on a research that interviewed women in prisons in Brazil and Portugal that crosses cartographic clues and feminist inspirations to vouch that research is more about the path we trace than the finished product at the end. We also propose clues for thinking cartography as a policy for producing knowledge inscribed in politics and defend that a feminist approach to cartography can radicalize the production of knowledge based on the perspective of philosophy of difference.
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