New species of Asphondylia (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae, Asphondyliini) from Brazil
Gall midges, Host plant, Morphology, TaxonomyAbstract
Three new species of Asphondylia are described from Minas Gerais (Brazil): Asphondylia ingaiensis, A. rufae and A. zeyheriae. They induce galls on Moquiniastrum barrosoae (Asteraceae), Bauhinia rufa (Fabaceae), and Zeyheria montana (Bignoniaceae), respectively, all native to Brazil, being the last endemic. Illustrations of relevant morphological characters are provided. The new species are compared with congeneric Neotropical species. Types are deposited in the Museu Nacional, Entomological Collection.
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Funding data
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Grant numbers 301481/2017-2