From the countryside to thesuburbs of thecity, the omnipresent shadow of violence. The forced displacements in Colombia lead to the eternal return to violence: violation and the power of life


  • Myriam Ocampo Prado
  • Mábel Martínez Carpeta Universidad Externado de Colombia
  • Sandra Liliana Zuluaga Tapia Universidad Externado de Colombia



;The forced migration of rural populations, fleeing to save their lives, is a phenomenon of forced displacement caused by the violent confrontation incited by armed groups in Colombia. Farmers leave their homes in the field to livein the suburbs of capital cities. The forced change of residence transforms the idea of own selfand about the space occupied, their physical location in the place of arrival shows the precarious conditions surrounding them, lying outsourced and crumbled from this space they built for themselves and their family. This physical and emotional transit characterizes the notion of uprooting, because it becomes key to understanding the struggle to reinvent a place for them in the urban space where new ways of appropriation of space emerge. Such transit also brings the conflict of coexistence between newcomers and resident migrants, the territory appears as a space where they must acquire their own house and stabilize their living conditions.



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How to Cite

From the countryside to thesuburbs of thecity, the omnipresent shadow of violence. The forced displacements in Colombia lead to the eternal return to violence: violation and the power of life. (2015). Psicologia USP, 26(2), 161-168.