Implications of deficit discourse in the conversations of a mother who requests forced treatment

Implicaciones del discurso del déficit en las conversaciones de una madre que solicita tratamiento


  • Cristiana Nelise de Paula University of Sao Paulo, Psychology Department, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of Sao Paulo



Family, Coercion, Drug (Use), Social constructionism


This case study analyzes the implications of deficit discourse on the daily conversations of a mother who requested forced treatment for her son. Data were analyzed drawing on social construction, with an emphasis on positioning theory and deficit discourse. Two episodes displaying deficit discourse were analyzed: one about the son as someone who is powerless, coping with drug use and another about the mother as someone unable to help her son. A sample letter was constructed using relational discourse, which provided new understandings for practice. Results support the benefits of collaborative and relational approaches for people who use drugs and for the emotional support of families.


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Author Biographies

  • Cristiana Nelise de Paula, University of Sao Paulo, Psychology Department, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

    University of Florida, Department of Health Education and Behavior

  • , University of New Hampshire

    University of New Hampshire, Department of Communication

  • , University of Sao Paulo

    University of Sao Paulo, Psychology Department


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How to Cite

Implications of deficit discourse in the conversations of a mother who requests forced treatment: Implicaciones del discurso del déficit en las conversaciones de una madre que solicita tratamiento. (2023). Psicologia USP, 34, e220043.