Network reliance and entrepreneurial performance, the role of external networking behaviour and entrepreneurial orientation: the case of rural farmer-entrepreneurs
External networking behaviour, Network reliance, Entrepreneurial orientation, Entrepreneurial performanceResumo
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to specifically look at the relationship between reliable network
reliance and entrepreneurial performance.
Design/methodology/approach – To help achieve the study objective, 450 rural farmer-entrepreneurs
from Jiangsu, Anhui, Guangxi and Zhejiang Provinces were randomly selected. The study concentrated
mainly on entrepreneurs who have engaged in entrepreneurial activities the past five or more years.
Findings – This study’s findings show that network reliance has direct and indirect effects on
entrepreneurial performance through external networking behaviour. The result further shows that external
networking behaviour partially mediates the relationship between network reliance and entrepreneurial
performance. On the moderation effect on entrepreneurial orientation (EO), the result reveals that it
strengthens the relationship between external networking behaviour and entrepreneurial performance. The
result shows that EO has a direct effect on entrepreneurial performance. The paper introduces behavioural
component of network to entrepreneurial performance. The study concludes that external networking
behaviour of entrepreneurs is key in entrepreneurship as it improves relationships among actors and thereby
translating into an improved performance.
Originality/value – The paper brings to light the need to reconsider extension education by including
elements of networking to enable rural entrepreneurs derive full benefits of their entrepreneurial
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