Elements of additive manufacturing technology adoption in small- and medium-sized sized companies
Additive manufacturing, Manufacturing, Quantitative research, Technology adoptionResumo
Purpose – This study aims to examine factors that determine the adoption of additive manufacturing by small- and
medium-sized industries. It provides insights with regard to benefits, challenges and business factors that influence
small- and medium-sized industries when adopting this technology. The study also aims to expand the domain of
additive manufacturing by including a broader range of challenges and benefits of additive manufacturing in literature.
Design/methodology/approach – Using data collected from 175 small- and medium-sized industries,
the study has examined through Mann–Whitney test to understand the difference between owners and design
engineers on additive manufacturing technology adoption in small- and medium-sized companies.
Findings – This study suggests contribution to academic discussion by providing associated factors that have
significant impact on the adoption of additive manufacturing technology. Related advantages of additive
manufacturing are reduction in inventory cost, lowering the wastage in production and customization of
products. The study also indicates that factors such as cost of machinery, higher level of cost in integrating metal
components have a negative impact on the adoption of this technology in small- and medium-sized industries.
Research limitations/implications – Because of the chosen research approach, the research results
may lack generalizability. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to test the proposed propositions further in
the field of challenges and growth in other areas of application of additive manufacturing, for instance,
medical sciences, fabric and aerospace.
Practical implications – The study provides important implications that are of interest for both research
and practitioners, related to technology management in small- and medium-sized industries, e.g. foundry and
machining industries.
Social implications – This work/study fulfills an identified need of the small- and medium-sized
companies in adopting new technologies and contribute to their growth by understanding the need to accept
and implement technology.
Originality/value – This paper fulfills an identified need to study how small- and medium-scale
companies accept new technologies and factors associated with implementation in the manufacturing process
of the organization.
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