Digital information product development: lessons from a small-sized German enterprise
New product development process, Digital products, Digital information products, Capabilities, Critical success factors, Competitive advantageResumo
Purpose – This case study examines the new product development (NPD) process of digital information
products (DIPs) and its critical success factors (CSFs) in a small-sized German enterprise.
Design/methodology/approach – A case study was conducted with a small firm focused on the
development of DIPs; data were obtained through semi-structured interviews, direct observation and
document analysis.
Findings – The firm uses an informal and cross-functional NPD process (idea generation, idea validation,
product creation and product launch) in converting an idea into a sellable product. Peculiar aspects of each
stage within the process as well as ten CSFs to NPD projects were verified.
Research limitations/implications – Limitations are attributed to its qualitative nature, which does
not allow generalizations, though careful attention was given to validity and reliability issues through the use
of data source triangulation.
Practical implications – The paper provides a conceptual process that may benefit further initiatives for
developing and launching DIPs, as well as a comprehensive list of CSFs for such projects.
Originality/value – This paper is the first one to schematize the NPD process and practices for DIPs, as
well as key capabilities. It contributes to the NPD literature in discussing dynamic aspects that are typical to
the firm analyzed and to others operating in a digital context. At the same time, it reinforces other traditional
aspects that have become overlooked in digital business debates.
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Further reading
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